Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Counting more blessings!

It is such a dream come true to have so many posts of good news to blog about. One year ago we were in the hospital hearing the first news of Ivy needing a new heart. I was planning her birthday party, a special celebration honoring our baby girl, our hero, and rejoicing of the incredibly difficult year she had survived. Then like a ton of bricks crashing down, she gets this uncontrollable edema in her belly and her echo shows extreme decline in heart function. We were admitted straight from our doctors appointment. For the second year in a row I found myself in the hospital for our daughter Cassidy's birthday and for the second year in a row we made it out of the hospital for Ivy Joy's birthday by just the skin of our teeth. We would celebrate on her special day and then we would head to Stanford to start transplant evaluation.
Fast forward one year...
I am planning Ivy's 4th Birthday!!!! She turned 2, she turned 3, and now, she is turning 4. I know, it seems silly, but these years are huge miracles and even more so, they are gifts! Today we spent 3 hours with our cardiologist. We discussed all the details of her Cath last month. She had her scheduled Echo. We made some med changes. And we marveled in the miracle of this child! She is GROWING!! I mean really really growing! She has a pretty full face that could use some diuretics right now and we did start those today, but her body, it is real growth!! Not water... it's real baby fat and 1.5 inches of new height!! She is active and happy and just such a ball of fun!!! 
Her heart function continues to show improvement. And as long as it stays on that curve, even if it is a slow traveling curve, it is awesome. Her increased Pulmonary Hypertension is concerning, but they still feel that as her heart function continues to improve, so will her lungs. They have decided to keep her on her current PH medication, increasing the dose as she grows. WE ARE REJOICING!!! THINGS ARE SO GOOD! 

On to Easter :) The hunt! Ivy's pants were falling off. They were a sweet hand me up from a friend who's daughter wore them like 30 years ago (not kidding!) Isn't that amazing? They are a 12 months but the waist was just too big so she looks like she has no feet in this picture. 

 Lexi as an egg head! She found all the big eggs and said, "Daddy, you can find the rest, oh, and good luck!" 

                                                     Her squishy face!
 Ellie, my oldest daughters dog. Sweetest doggy ever! Loves coming to our house and playing with the littles.

 Thank you everyone for continuing to pray for Ivy's health. We love you all!


  1. Beautiful beautiful!!! Saying a prayer this morning!!!!! Xoxo

  2. Soooo sweet to hear, and see such tremendous healing and growth in your sweet girl!!,
    Enjoy spring

  3. Mary, what a beautiful family. What a miracle this little girl is. It will be a very special 4th Birthday for sure. Many blessing and lots of hugs to both Ivy and Lexi.


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