Wednesday, April 16, 2014


April is a crazy month in our house, thus the lack of posts. To all who have so sweetly emailed me, we are doing excellent and here is a tiny peek at some of the fun going on.
The littles are doing great in school finishing up the school year. Both of Ivy's teachers have told me that Ivy seems to have more energy and less need for rests and snacks than they have ever seen from her. This makes us so happy!

The sweet wee ones had a fun date with daddy at school last weekend. Since there are 2 children at the same school they even got to bring ~bubby~ (big brother Brady) along for the date!

        Daddy being smothered with kisses by his          sweet little treasures!

This boy LOVES his little sisters BIG!!!! He would do anything for them. In fact he does... They own his heart!!!

 Our sweet Cassidy turns 18 tomorrow. I can hardly believe it! My tiny little girl with long blonde ringlets and ruffly dresses has turned in to a beautiful young woman. Her prom was last weekend and her sisters told everyone that Princess Cassidy was going to the Royal Ball. 

 Here she is with her best friend, Miss K.


           And with the very lucky Prince R

We will be wrapping up our school year before we know it. We are excited to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior this Sunday and hope that you are too! We have several more dance shows and competitions, 2 more birthdays, graduation and then... It's SUMMER! The Sammons house has one more kiddo starting college, and one starting kindergarden next school year!! 3 of our kids are going on mission/serving trips out of the country this summer. Rylee, our soon to be 21 year old is heading to Fiji for 2 weeks and Brady and Cassidy are going to China for 3 weeks. I am so excited for all of them!!!

We see cardiology for Ivy's regular echo and check up next Tuesday. I think we will be discussing moving forward with a stronger PH med for Ivy. Tracleer-Bosentan is what I think they are considering. I'm not going to even think about it until it is really time. We are very comfortable in our current routine but we will change whatever we need to, anything for our little firecracker!!!

So, life is good! Hard work, but very very good! We do not take one single good day for granted! 

And this is the promise which He Himself made to us: eternal life. 1 john 2:25


  1. God bless you all sooooooo glad all is going well!happiness and blessings , Cathy in illinois

  2. Fun family stuff....this is the most awesome post EVAH!

  3. Have a Happy Easter! Glad all is going well! Your daughters are lovely!


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