Saturday, May 31, 2014

Too busy to post. Picture heavy!

What a blessing it is to be busy just having fun!
We have had a CRAZY 6 weeks here in the desert!
We've had 3 birthdays. The big 18 followed by the big 4, followed by the big 21! Lexi graduated from Pre School, Cassidy graduated from High School. Dance competitions and recitals, a mothers day staycation, and so much more. Oh the beauty of LIVING! So many parties and way too much CAKE! So blessed to wake up each day and call this beautiful family mine!

 Ivy's 4th Birthday party

She is loving the pool this year!

 Our graduating senior in the pink.

Little maybe, but every time the camera comes out she must remind me that she is 4 now!!!

                         3 of the 5 sisters

This is how big your muscles get when you are 4

         Finding her joy not a problem

She spends lots of time swinging on a new swing set one of her buddies got her for her birthday. 

And a little time crying when mommy says its too hot to swing (like today when it was 106 outside!) 

 She loves to play anything that has a dungeon and a big bad wolf or some kind of a villain  I have no idea why... But she begs everyone older than 5 to please play with her and be the bad guy. She loves to run and scream and hide and by golly she is the most amazing little untrained actress I have ever lived with!

                      Moving on to Lexi
 Our sweet Lexi is starting kindergarten in the fall!            Sniff sniff indeed! 

                  She is excited about this new chapter.

             But wishes her Ivy Girl could come too!

And if she could bring her daddy, that would be even better!

 And a big sister would just seal the deal!

She finally has enough hair to wear pigtails with no hair hanging in the back! She's so proud of that!

Getting her praise on during worship at pre-school graduation!

This girl loves to sing! And thank the good Lord she is getting better and better at carrying a tune... slowly but surely! Yes, thank the good Lord...

Swimming remains her favorite activity.

Happy Summer! Celebrate every second!!!!


  1. Love seeing her do so well! Happy 4h Birthday miss Ivy!

  2. Love all the smiles! Happy Birthday Miss Ivy and congratulations to Miss Lexi on her graduation! Love M

  3. You are way busy! Happy Birthday Ivy, and Congrats Cassidy.


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