Friday, July 18, 2014

While mommy's away, Daddy and the girls play!

As I type this, Mr Best Daddy in the whole world is home in Arizona spending 3 amazing days just loving on his little girls. I am away in Fort Wayne Indiana at the Matilda Jane convention, training for my new job as trunk keeper. Something I will easily be able to do while I continue my main role as care taker of our precious family. I have never been away from Ivy and I have to tell you, our little super hero is doing amazing. She had a pretty bad nose bleed last night but her big sister got it all handled and then treated her to a sleepover in her bed! What a treat for Ivy! We are so blessed with the most awesome teenagers in the world! I can't tell you how amazing these bigs of ours are. 

Im going to do a series of one year ago posts as we finish out the Summer. Our God has been so gracious in giving us this amazingly calm and priceless time with our family. I don't want to take a second of it for granted. So as I look back at one year ago, I thank Him for today. 

 Lexi has come such a long way! I remember right after our series of very long hospital stays, I could not leave the room without telling her or she would panic, screaming if she could not see me.

 Click on the link below to see where we were one year ago.
Click here


  1. Have fun in Ft Wayne! My TK is Jen Keilman, such a sweet person. I've often admired your girls wearing MJC, JK heirloom, etc. :)

  2. Was great to hearall is well for all of you,
    Cathy in illinois


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