Monday, February 13, 2017

Ivy's Forever Family Day and an update on her precious heart

                                       5 YEARS HOME!

We came home from California on Friday. Her Cath went well but there was no intervention done. To cut right to the chase, she needs another Open Heart surgery. Her Mitral Valve and her Pulmonary valve need to be replaced. And while they are in there they will replace the batteries in her pacemaker. 
While we are sad our sweet girl needs to go through this again, we are so very thankful that there IS something more they can do! This is the answer to healing her lungs! The reason her Pulmonary Hypertension has not responded to the many forms of medication we have been trying. It's why her legs hurt when she walks. (lack of blood flow) It's why she can't ride a bike or run along side her sister or wrestle with her daddy without getting completely out of breath. And I really hope it is the answer to getting her to eat again because this mama is exhausted by the amount of time I spend trying to get this little one to eat anything... drink anything other than ice water. She just gags and wretches. The little girl who used to always have a box of fries or a bag of chips in hand.. no more. To be able to play hard, laugh hard and eat a regular meal.... to do these things with ease... Ivy says it will be far worth it! She is the bravest and strongest girl I know!

Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
Isaiah 43:1b-2 (NIV)

Today we celebrate the day we met! The day we had our first cuddles! The day we became a family! She needed us and we needed her and nothing has changed! We love her and she loves us!

Tomorrow we celebrate valentines day and the day we signed that paper that made it all official. She loves that we get 2 days to celebrate! I was thinking today about our first few days together and trying to remember every detail. The obvious things are hard to forget, how blue she was, how clubbed her tiny fingers were. How it felt like someone was beating on my chest when her heart was pressed against mine. 

But I wanted to spend the day remembering the other things. Like how quickly she bonded with me, but yet how she gave everyone else the stink eye. How she would give the sweetest most delicate kisses. How much she loved to go for walks outside. How she would eat just about anything! (those were the days.....) How she laughed with no sound, but how adorable it was even without sound. How she thought it was so funny to throw herself backwards from sitting position so she could laugh at my panic as I scrambled to break the fall. She knew I would catch her! How she would shake her head no when she tried to crawl and when she pulled up to standing position. She did this because in the orphanage she was not allowed to do anything to exert herself.  She was so proud of herself. I knew from that first day that she was incredibly strong. To hear her breathe was like listening to a staticky radio station. And yet she just smiled and went about her business. She was crazy about her first bath and she still loves baths more than anything. She'd never get out if there was no time limit. Take that girl to LUSH and she will attempt to buy every bath bomb and bubble bar she can afford! She has always had a zest about her. A sweet and gentle spirit with a side of hot sauce! 
Oh how we love her!
Worlds best sister always by her side! Always encouraging, always understanding! 
These 2 are so good for each other!!!

We are waiting to hear back from Ivy's cardiologist about when this surgery will happen. In California they mentioned early June but we really don't know anything for sure yet.
One day at a time! 

Lord bless me with peace and freedom from fear. I will hold your hand and trust your heart with all that is within me. Give me courage today to be the person you created me to be. Amen


Let’s ask God to show us what we are afraid of. What is paralyzing our faith and keeping us from living confidently in His peace and freedom? And then let’s give God a chance to come though for us as we courageously walk through our fears, holding God’s hand and trusting His heart to lead, protect and preserve us each step of the way.
Dear God, help me walk through my fears by facing them instead of being paralyzed by them. I want to take Your hand and trust Your heart with all that is within me. Give me courage today to take the first step. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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