Sunday, February 26, 2017

Tick Tock, its almost time

Our Aticle 5 is being picked up right now in China. This is the final step before Travel Approval! Its so hard to believe that is is almost GO TIME! Charlotte's coming home!
I don't usually tell people about this because it just makes me more anxious, but I really really really dislike flying. Yep, I've traveled to China 2 going on 3 times to bring home our children and yet I can not stand to fly!
Anyway, the past 2 weeks as I have been awaiting our Article 5 pick up and very aware that travel is on the horizon, I have had such peace. I'm traveling alone to get Charlotte, but I know I won't really be alone. And I'm finding great comfort that I've been able to lay my worries at the feet of Jesus and He doesn't judge me for it. He knows I'm weak, and He loves me just the same.
We hopt to find out by the end of the week when I will actually be leaving and when Charlotte Hope will be in my arms. We are excited, busy, and trusting God all the way there and back! He knows the day, the hour, the minute. And all in His perfect timing, His will, will be done!

*Ivy update*
She is eating. She has her 3 or 4 weird things that she likes to eat and we're just running with it. She is eating chips again.... Something tells me there were many praying for that :)
She is still doing well off her oxygen when just sitting around. She uses it for play and it helps a lot. We do not have surgery dates yet, but it does look like June is the latest it will be. Ivy wants everyone to know she appreciates your thoughts and prayers and that she is doing just fine! She also sends the biggest hugs!

Love these 2 with all my heart! Thankful for the honor of being their mom. Can't wait to complete the trio of dumplings and have Charlotte our daughter forever too! 6 girls and 1 boy! Wow! When I was a tween and teen, I babysat a ton. People knew how much I loved kids and would always ask me how many kids I was going to have and I always answered 7! Not really believing I'd have 7, but as a child, it sounded perfect. And I guess God thought so too! 
James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this
To look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Keep my eyes on you Lord. I am closest to you when you stretch me. When I can't do it on my own, thank you for reminding me that I don't need to. When I feel anxious, thank you for carrying my weight and forgiving me for doubting you. I am not alone. Never alone. Lets do this!

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